Since 1986, the Bremen District Association of the VDI has awarded the BREMER INGENIEURPREIS (BREMER ENGINEERING AWARD), which is endowed with 1,000 euros, annually to two excellent theses that are particularly “innovative and advanced, but at the same time application-oriented and practice-related”. Proposals for this can be made by the seven colleges and universities that lie within the area of the Bremen District Association.
To mark the occasion, this year’s award ceremony took place online on 17 November in a very well organised and festive setting with a lively turnout. With his bachelor’s thesis on the topic: “The new development of the grate substructure of a clinker cooler on a walking floor basis”, Yannic Lorenz, a graduate of the PHWT’s Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at the Diepholz site, was able to convince the jury of his scientifically sound approach at the highest level. On the occasion of the award ceremony, he presented the goal and result of his work in a lecture. One participant commented: “Great, the world needs good designers :-)”. The PHWT agrees and congratulates him warmly!