The top 10 tips for more concentration while learning

28. May 2024

10 tips for more concentration while learning

Do you have trouble staying focused while studying? You are not alone.
Distractions lurk everywhere, especially when it comes to preparing for important exams or deepening your knowledge.
In this blog, you will find out which 10 things often disrupt your concentration when studying and how you can effectively switch them off.
Discover proven strategies and tips to increase your concentration and stay focused while learning, so that you can maximize your productivity and efficiency and successfully achieve your learning goals.


What promotes concentration while learning?

Have you often wondered why you take on so much and only manage half of it?
Concentrated learning requires not only time, but also the right strategies.
Discover our top 10 tips for more concentration when studying and find out how to minimize distractions and increase your learning efficiency.
With our proven methods, you can work specifically on your learning goals and get off to a successful start.

1. reduce distractions for efficient learning Social media and smartphones are often the biggest distractions that affect your concentration while studying.
The constant notifications and the urge to scroll through feeds can significantly reduce and negatively affect your learning efficiency.
To increase your concentration, you should switch off all notifications during your study phases.
It’s best to put your phone in another room so that you lose sight of it completely.
This will help you to concentrate fully on your studies.

2. create order for an optimal learning environment

A messy and chaotic learning environment can quickly affect your concentration while studying.
To create an atmosphere that supports focused learning, it is important to keep your workspace clean and organized.
A tidy desk not only improves your concentration, but can also increase your learning efficiency. Take the time to organize everything in your space.
This will allow you to fully focus on your learning tasks and maximize your concentration while studying.

3. optimize your time management

Creating a structured study plan that provides set times for each study task is crucial to increasing your concentration.
Not only will a well-thought-out plan help you stay organized and prioritize effectively, but it will also minimize the likelihood of getting off track due to distractions.
Take the time to carefully plan your study goals so that you can make the most of every study moment.
This structured approach encourages focused study and increases your productivity.

4. individual tasks instead of multitasking for focused attention

You may think that multitasking is a way to get a lot done in a short amount of time, but studies show the opposite: multitasking can reduce your learning efficiency.
To increase your concentration while learning, it is better to focus on a single task at a time.
This approach helps you to delve deeper into the learning material and process information more effectively. By moving away from the illusion of multitasking, you will find that you can learn faster and with less stress, leading to better performance.

5. breaks for effective learning

Continuous learning without sufficient breaks can quickly lead to fatigue and a loss of concentration.
To effectively increase your concentration while studying, it is crucial to integrate regular breaks into your study schedule. These short breaks allow your brain to recover and consolidate what you have learned.
Planning and sticking to a routine that includes regular breaks can help you stay focused and mentally agile, improving your overall learning efficiency.

6. healthy nutrition and hydration for better focus

Don’t neglect your basic physical needs.
Hunger and dehydration can and will greatly affect your ability to concentrate while studying.
To increase your concentration, always have healthy snacks and plenty of water on hand during your study sessions.
Good nutrition and hydration are essential to keep your energy levels high and your concentration levels high while studying.
We recommend the following snacks for in between: Fruit, muesli and nuts.

7. choose the right time of day

It is crucial that you find out at what times of day your concentration is highest when studying.
Not everyone is equally productive at the same time of day.
By scheduling your study sessions at the times when you feel most energized and receptive, you can significantly increase your learning efficiency. Experiment and adjust your study schedule accordingly to get the most out of your study sessions and optimize your learning success in the long term.
You’ll see it works wonders.

8. learn to deal with stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are major barriers that can severely impair your concentration when studying.
To overcome these and increase your concentration, try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or simple breathing exercises.
These methods will help you to reduce stress levels and promote focused learning by allowing you to study with a clear and focused mind.
By integrating such techniques into your routine, you can improve your learning efficiency and approach your tasks more calmly.

9. create a calm environment

Noise and other external interruptions are common disruptive factors that can significantly impair your concentration while studying.
To ensure focused learning, consider using earplugs or noise-canceling headphones.
You can also simply go to a quiet place where you can study undisturbed.
These measures will help you minimize external distractions and increase your learning efficiency by creating a quieter and more focused learning environment.

10. arouse interest in your learning content

If you find it difficult to stay interested in the subject matter, this can significantly affect your concentration while studying.
An effective way to increase your motivation is to link the learning material to your personal interests or career goals.
By recognizing how the material fits with your ambitions, you can build a deeper connection to the learning content and significantly improve your concentration and engagement.

Typical questions to which we have the answers

Need more tips or still have questions?
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that can help you increase your concentration while studying.
Take a look and find the answers you need to get the most out of your study time!

Which food promotes concentration while learning?

Pay attention to what you eat, as your diet has a significant impact on your ability to concentrate while studying.
Choose nutrient-rich foods such as nuts, fruit and vegetables to invigorate your mind and boost your concentration. Don’t forget to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and support your ability to think.
With the right nutrition, you can boost your energy and concentration to study effectively.

Can music help with learning and concentration?

Wondering if music can support your learning sessions?
The answer varies from person to person.
Some swear by soft background music to increase their concentration, while others prefer to work in silence.
Try out different styles and volumes of music to find out what works best for you.
Keep in mind that not every type of music is suitable for everyone.
Choose sounds that calm you down and increase your productivity.

Why can I no longer concentrate?

There are many reasons why your concentration could be waning.
Overwork, stress or lack of sleep may play a role.
Distractions from your smartphone or an unsuitable learning environment can also impair your ability to concentrate.
By identifying these possible causes and taking targeted measures, you can restore your concentration and learn more effectively.

How long can you concentrate on learning at a stretch?

The maximum time that someone can concentrate on learning varies from person to person and depends on various factors.
For example, the effective learning time depends on the individual’s attention span, fatigue, motivation and the difficulty of the learning material.
In general, the recommended time for continuous focused learning for most people is between 25 and 50 minutes, followed by a short break of around 5 to 10 minutes.

Your path to studying at the PHWT

Are you looking for a degree program that not only supports you, but also ensures that your studies are successful?
At PHWT, we attach great importance to providing you with the best possible support on your academic and professional path. If you are interested in studying at the PHWT but are still undecided whether it is the right choice for you, we offer special orientation programs that can help you make a decision.
The Niedersachsen Technikum is a six-month program especially for women that provides deeper insights into technical professions.
In addition, the MINT UNI offers pupils the opportunity to get to know MINT subjects better during the summer vacation through lectures and practical exercises.

Discover our wide range of traditional degree programs at the PHWT in Lower Saxony, including business administration, business informatics, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics and computer science.
Of course, we also offer all courses as dual study programs. Find out about the extensive opportunities available to you at PHWT and take the chance to actively shape your future!

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