Using AI in your studies: Benefits and risks

05. Jun 2024

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) simply means that computers and machines take over tasks that normally require your thinking, such as learning, problem solving, understanding language and making decisions. AI systems use special programs and large amounts of data to recognize patterns and learn from them.
In recent years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly in all areas and is now also being used in higher education.
It can help you to automate simple tasks or support complex research projects.
From quickly obtaining information to analyzing large amounts of data – the possibilities are impressive.

If you use AI correctly in your studies, you can learn more efficiently and increase your productivity.
But remember: AI should be an aid to your studies, not a replacement for your own thinking.
Use AI to make your life easier during your studies, but always remain independent and critical.
That way, you can make the most of technological advances and successfully achieve your academic goals.

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Advantages of AI in studies

Increasing efficiency through AI

Using AI in your studies can increase your efficiency enormously.
Imagine how much time you will save if you no longer have to spend hours creating bibliographies or summarizing long texts.
AI tools can take these repetitive tasks off your hands.
Automatic citation generators create a complete bibliography for you in a matter of seconds.
And the best thing about it: AI can summarize long texts for you so that you can concentrate directly on the essentials.
This leaves you more time for actual learning and deepening your specialist knowledge.
Using AI can make your studies much more efficient.


Support with research

Do you know the feeling of getting lost in a sea of information?
AI can help you here.
With the help of AI, you can search through huge databases in no time at all and find the most relevant studies and articles for your project.
Above all, this saves a lot of time and ensures that you don’t overlook any important information and that your work has a solid foundation.
With AI at your side, you can make your research much more efficient and focus on the really important aspects of your topic.
But the same applies here: check the content for accuracy and never rely on the technology.
Time and again, we see AI inventing things.


Risks and challenges of AI in studies

Dependence on technology

An often overlooked aspect of using AI in your studies is the risk of dependency.
Imagine constantly relying on AI tools to complete your tasks.
This could lead to you neglecting important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving skills and independent working. It’s important that you find the right balance for you: Use AI as an aid to your studies, but make sure you can manage well without it.
Over-dependence can lead to you losing control of your learning process and being less flexible in responding to new challenges.
So always keep in mind that your own competence and independence should be at the center of your studies.


Quality and reliability

Another risk is the quality and reliability of the results provided by AI tools.
Not all AI tools are equally good, and sometimes they can provide incorrect or inaccurate information for your study.
Imagine taking the results of an AI tool without checking them and basing your argument on them – this could lead to incorrect conclusions and affect the quality of your work.
It is therefore important to always critically scrutinize and check the information provided by the AI.
Use multiple sources to ensure that the data is correct and reliable.
This way, you can minimize the risks and ensure that your work is based on solid and trustworthy foundations.


FAQ – AI in studies

Is ChatGPT allowed during my studies?

Whether ChatGPT is allowed in your studies depends on the guidelines of your university.
Many universities allow the use of AI tools for idea generation, research and correction, but not for the complete writing of content.
Use for information searches or inspiration is therefore often acceptable.
Direct writing of academic papers with AI is usually considered cheating.
Transparency is key – if you are unsure, ask your lecturer or the student advisory service.
Use AI for your studies responsibly and in accordance with the regulations of your university.


Can AI write a bachelor thesis?

Technically, AI, like ChatGPT, can write a bachelor thesis because it can handle extensive texts and complex topics.
However, writing a bachelor’s thesis is an important academic achievement in your studies that should demonstrate your own abilities.
AI can help you with brainstorming, research and proofreading.
It can identify grammatical errors and suggest stylistic improvements.
The main work – argumentation, analysis and writing in general – should come from you.
Use AI in your studies as a support, but make sure that your work reflects your own insights and skills.


Can ChatGPT be recognized in term papers?

Yes, there are ways to recognize AI-generated texts such as those from ChatGPT.
Plagiarism detection software can identify typical patterns and writing styles that are characteristic of AI text.
These tools are constantly being developed to recognize AI content as well. To avoid problems, use ChatGPT for brainstorming, research and proofreading, but write your work yourself.
This will ensure that your work is authentic and meets academic standards.


Conclusion: making sensible use of AI in your studies

Using AI in your studies can bring you many advantages.
It increases your efficiency and helps you with your research.
However, there are also challenges and risks associated with using AI in your studies, such as the risk of dependency and the quality of the results.
With a conscious and responsible approach, you can fully exploit the benefits of AI in your studies and achieve your learning goals more effectively.
Use AI specifically to enrich your studies, but don’t rely on it exclusively.
This will ensure that your work remains authentic and reflects your own abilities.


Your studies at the PHWT

Are you interested in a degree program that supports and encourages you?
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If you are interested in studying at the PHWT but are still unsure whether it is the right choice for you, we offer two special programs that can help you with your study orientation:
The Niedersachsen Technikum: A six-month orientation program especially for women that offers insights into technical professions.
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Find out about the wide range of opportunities that PHWT offers you and start actively shaping your future today!

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