The importance of a Learning Agreement

15. Jun 2024

Erasmus Learning Agreement

Would you like to spend a semester abroad without losing any study time?
Of course you want to make sure that the courses you take abroad are also recognized at your home university.
This is exactly what the Learning Agreement is for.
This important document ensures that your international coursework can be easily integrated into your studies.
This allows you to concentrate fully on your adventure abroad without having to worry about the recognition of your achievements.



What is a Learning Agreement?

A Learning Agreement is an official document that specifies the courses and modules you will complete during your studies abroad.
It is concluded between you, your home university and the host university.
The Learning Agreement contains detailed information about the courses you will attend abroad.

Thanks to the Learning Agreement, all parties involved – you, your home university and the host university – know exactly which courses you will be taking and how these will be integrated into your studies.
It creates transparency and predictability, avoids misunderstandings and ensures that your achievements abroad can be seamlessly integrated into your studies.

The Learning Agreement is a central component of the Erasmus+ program and other international exchange programs.
It helps you to plan your studies abroad in a structured and targeted manner and ensures that you don’t lose any valuable study time.
This allows you to concentrate fully on learning and experiencing a new environment.


Why is a Learning Agreement important?

A Learning Agreement is crucial to ensure that the credits you earn abroad are recognized by your home university.
Without this document, it could be difficult to integrate the credits earned abroad into your studies, which could lead to delays and additional courses.


The Learning Agreement creates transparency and predictability for everyone involved.
It clearly defines which courses you will take and how they will be integrated into your studies, thus avoiding misunderstandings and bureaucratic hurdles.
The prior agreement of all parties involved ensures that there are no surprises when it comes to the recognition of your achievements.


You can therefore concentrate fully on your semester abroad without having to worry about the recognition of your credits.
The Learning Agreement is a central component of programs such as Erasmus+, which aim to promote the mobility and international exchange of students.


With a well-prepared Learning Agreement, you are ideally equipped to continue your studies without delay and gain valuable international experience.


Components of a Learning Agreement

Here are the essential elements that should not be missing from your Learning Agreement:

  1. Course name and course number: Each course you will take abroad should be named and numbered exactly.
    This detailed information helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that the courses can be clearly identified.
  2. Number of ECTS points: The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) points are decisive for the recognition of your academic achievements at your home university.
    Each course is awarded a certain number of ECTS points, which show how much work is involved.
  3. Course objectives and content: An accurate description of the objectives and content of each course is important to ensure that it meets the requirements of your home university.
    This information shows what you will learn in the course and how it fits into your study plan.
  4. Period and duration of the courses: Precise information about when and for how long the courses take place is also important.
    This information will help you and your home university to plan the timing of your semester abroad and ensure that there are no overlaps with other commitments.
  5. Signatures of the parties involved
The Learning Agreement only becomes officially valid once it has been signed by all parties involved.
This includes yourself, your academic supervisor at your home university and a representative of the host university.
These signatures confirm that all parties agree to the agreements.
A well-completed learning agreement provides a clear structure and orientation that will help you to make your semester abroad successful and smooth.
This allows you to concentrate fully on your new experiences and learning in a new environment.


The process and the creation of a Learning Agreement

The process of creating a Learning Agreement is divided into several steps:

  1. Course selection: First, select the courses you would like to take abroad.
    Make sure that these courses match your degree program and your academic goals.
  2. Coordination with your home university: Discuss your course selection with your academic advisor or student advisor at your home university.
    They will help you to ensure that the courses meet the requirements of your university and can be recognized.
  3. Approval by the host university: Once you have received approval from your home university, you forward the Learning Agreement to the host university.
    They will check whether you are admitted to the selected courses.
  4. Signatures of the parties: Once all parties – you, your home university and the host university – have approved the course selection, everyone involved must sign the Learning Agreement to make it official.
  5. Submission and storage: Submit the signed Learning Agreement to the relevant authorities and keep a copy for your own records.
This process ensures that all parties have a common understanding of the courses to be taken and that your academic achievements are recognized.


Tips for the successful creation of a Learning Agreement

  1. Early planning: Start planning and selecting courses early.
    The more time you have to select and coordinate courses, the lower the risk of problems or delays.
  2. Communication: Keep in regular contact with those responsible at your home and host university.
    Open and continuous communication helps to avoid misunderstandings and keep the process running smoothly.
  3. Documentation: Ensure that all courses and their recognition are clearly documented.
    Keep detailed records of the course descriptions, ECTS points and the approval of the parties involved.
    Thorough documentation makes it easier to have your achievements recognized later.
These tips will help you to successfully master the process of creating your Learning Agreement and prepare for your semester abroad in the best possible way.


Frequently asked questions about the Learning Agreement

What deadlines do I have to observe for the Learning Agreement?

Find out well in advance about the deadlines for submitting the Learning Agreement at both your home and host university.
Each university has its own deadlines and it is important to adhere to them to avoid delays or problems with the recognition of your academic achievements. The documents often have to be submitted several months before the start of the semester abroad.


What happens if my study plan changes?

If your study plan changes during your stay abroad, you must document the changes in the Learning Agreement and have them approved again by all parties involved. This can happen if courses are not offered as planned or you find that another course is better suited to your studies. Quick and clear communication with your home university and the host university is crucial in such cases to ensure that the new courses are recognized.


How does the recognition of benefits work?

Your home university will recognize the credits earned abroad based on the courses and ECTS credits specified in the Learning Agreement. After you have successfully completed the courses, the host university will send a certificate of your achievements to your home university. They will then check whether the courses have been completed in accordance with the Learning Agreement and transfer the corresponding credits to your student account.


Your studies at the PHWT

Are you looking for a degree program that provides you with optimal support and encouragement? At the Private University of Applied Sciences for Business and Technology (PHWT ), we attach great importance to supporting you throughout your entire educational journey and ensuring that your time at university prepares you ideally for your career and personal goals.


If you are still unsure whether studying at PHWT is right for you, we offer two special orientation programs: The Niedersachsen Technikum, a six-month program especially for women, gives you an insight into technical professions. The MINT UNI is aimed at pupils who would like to experience the MINT subjects at first hand during the summer vacation through exciting lectures and practical exercises.


PHWT also offers you the opportunity to spend a semester abroad and gain international experience. Our university holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and actively applies to participate in the Erasmus mobility program for students and staff.


Discover the wide range of courses offered by the PHWT in Lower Saxony. Our degree programs include business administration, business informatics, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering and many others such as electrical engineering, computer science and mechatronics. Our degree programs are available in both traditional and dual study formats. Do you already have a Bachelor’s degree or are you in the process of obtaining one? Then take a look at our Master’s degree program in Sustainability and help make your industry more sustainable.


Find out about the numerous options at PHWT and find the study program that suits you perfectly. Discover our degree programs and start your path to a successful and fulfilling career!

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